Clients often make a large purchase to establish an initial position. Virtuse then makes it easy to smooth market volatility over time with automatic recurring buys. However, if you have more capital to deploy than already planned, we can make one-time purchases of up to $ 1 million.
Your portfolio and transaction history are only ever a click or swipe away.
Euro has lost more than 45% of its purchasing power since 2000. Bitcoin’s fixed supply makes it the best way to protect your wealth for the long term.
Wealth Managers need the ability to efficiently manage bitcoin portfolios across their entire client base. Virtuse Wealth empowers wealth managers with the purpose-built toolset they need to be successful. Virtuse allows advisors to offer their clients all the benefits of owning the underlying bitcoin without needing to have an in-depth bitcoin experience through a simple and user-friendly interface.
Want to self-custody by sending your bitcoin to a wallet you own? No problem. Buy your own Ledger Nano here and take control of your bitcoin anytime. What to keep your bitcoin in Virtuse custody? Virtuse is equipped with best-in-class custody services through Unchained Capital the US-regulated custodian. Your bitcoin is held safely under your name and can be easily withdrawn to your own custody.
Bitcoin is the only digital asset that is endorsed as a commodity by the largest regulators, therefore, the only asset we work with at Virtuse Wealth. Being focused solely on bitcoin has security and cost benefits, and allows us to focus more time on our partners.
“At Virtuse, we believe that bitcoin is the future of money. Our aim is to help you maximize your position in this global digital monetary network. As a Virtuse Wealth client, you’ll have access to our team, our strategic analysis, and our passion for bitcoin. As a global store of value asset, bitcoin is a generational investment opportunity to build and preserve wealth for your family or company . The Virtuse Wealth team stands ready to become a trusted partner on your bitcoin journey.“