Delisting Announcement

Delisting Announcement

by Ras Vasilisin
7. June 2022
Delisting Announcement
Virtuse has decided to delist all altcoins on the Virtuse platform and Virtuse app and become a Bitcoin-only exchange.


“Every bear market, we wake up to the fact that most altcoins are just scams. They are not secure, nor regulated, they are just intended for price speculation. Instead of building another shitcoin casino, we decided to focus on Bitcoin, the best saving technology ever created. It is the best sound money substitute for gold, separating money and state and don’t see any more promising investment to work on,” clarified Ras Vasilisin, CEO of Virtuse.



Therefore, we are announcing that on June 1, 2022, at 12:00 UCT, we will be delisting the following assets: ETH, BAT, XRP, XMR, and LTC. 


Once the withdrawal deadline has been reached (June 7, 2022, at 12: 00 UCT), withdrawals will be disabled, and the asset will be fully decommissioned. From this point forward, we will be unable to process withdrawals of impacted assets. Clients must withdraw delisted tokens by the withdrawal deadline.
Please note that you may also exchange your delisted assets for bitcoin.
Team Virtuse

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