Bitcoin Thesis Becomes Amazon Best Seller

Bitcoin Thesis Becomes Amazon Best Seller

by Virtusenews
3. April 2023
Bitcoin Thesis Becomes Amazon Best Seller

For many readers, a graduate thesis doesn’t sound like a page-turner, but a lengthy academic paper on Bitcoin written by a U.S. Space Force major has emerged as a popular pick on Amazon.

“Softwar” asserts that Bitcoin has the potential to play a major role on the world’s geopolitical stage as a military-grade solution for securing information—far different than the monetary use Bitcoin’s network has today.

Written by Jason Lowery, the report represents the culmination of academic research he conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during a 6-month fellowship sponsored by the Department of Defense. The full title of the piece is “Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin.”

Lowrey’s brief biography on Amazon claims that he has advised several senior U.S. officials on Bitcoin-related policy in offices related to the president, Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Though “Softwar” doesn’t place within the top 500 books on Amazon’s store, Lowery’s exploration of Bitcoin has hovered around the number one spot in Amazon’s digital currencies category and is currently ranked second in both books on technology and engineering.

The more than 350-page tome draws on knowledge from various fields, such as anthropology and computer science, to establish and explore Lowery’s “Power Projection Theory.”

Essentially, Lowery posits that the proof-of-work system underlying Bitcoin transaction verification can be leveraged by military powers to impose restrictions on bad actors in a non-lethal through a steep amount of physical work in the form of crunching numbers.

“The bottom line is that Bitcoin could represent a ‘softwar’ or electro cyber-defense protocol, not merely a peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” the book states. “While most software can only logically constrain computers, Bitcoin can physically constrain computers.”

The book’s acknowledgments section gives a nod to some of Bitcoin’s most faithful, including MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor and Peter McCormack.

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