Virtuse And Coinfirm Partner On Crypto Compliance

Virtuse And Coinfirm Partner On Crypto Compliance

by Virtuse Admin
27. October 2020
Virtuse And Coinfirm Partner On Crypto Compliance

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Coinfirm and the integration of Virtuse Exchange with the Coinfirm solutions. 

One of our top priorities is to bring more security and compliance into the Virtuse platform.

Coinfirm solves all our AML compliance challenges by putting us in control with real-time analytics and compliance risk management tools. 

“We’re excited to partner with Virtuse in our mission to create a safer blockchain economy. Delivering the best AML tools and standards are important to Coinfirm and strengthening crypto compliance uptake in Europe. We look forward to further working with Virtuse and supporting the democratizing investment movement,” said Robert Geruszczak, Head of Business Development of Coinfirm. 

Coinfirm’s real-time risk score analysis, alerts, and investigations system will help Virtuse prevent money laundering attempts and allow the exchange to make quick, informed decisions on transactions. 

“What we’ve been trying to accomplish here at Virtuse is to create the most secure and compliant digital wealth infrastructure in Europe,” said Ras Vasilisin, Founder and CEO of Virtuse.

The new partnership will also address the anti-money laundering (AML) guidelines by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) by integrating Coinfirm’s blockchain-agnostic AML Platform to the exchange.

Partnership with Coinfirm is the next big step for us. I look forward to working with Coinfirm further,” said Matt Demes, COO of Virtuse.  

What is Coinfirm

Coinfirm is a global leader in AML & Risk Analytics for blockchains and cryptocurrencies. The company has the most extensive blockchain coverage of over 1200+ cryptocurrencies supported, including BTC, ETH, ERC20 tokens, Dash, NEO, Hyperledger, LTC. As first in the world, Coinfirm integrated XRP. Over 140+ global clients ranging from crypto exchanges and protocols to major financial institutions use Confirm’s. 

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